TriFinance: 21 jaar Beyond the Beaten Tracks


Anniversary, Staff event

On the occasion of their 21st anniversary, TriFinance organised a two-day event in Amsterdam, bringing together 800 employees from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. With the concept ‘21 Years Beyond the Beaten Tracks’, connectedness, pride and a unique experience were central.

The customer's question

TriFinance does things a little differently and therefore wanted to celebrate not their 20-year milestone, but their 21-year milestone in a way that reflects their unique, employee-focused culture. With a young, ambitious group of employees from four different countries, the challenge was to connect them and strengthen their pride in their careers. How do you create an anniversary that fits their ‘employees first–mentality and inspires and unites all participants?


Our proposal

D&B Eventmarketing designed an event that was more than just a party, but an experience that reflected TriFinance’s unique culture and values. With the concept ‘21 Years Beyond the Beaten Tracks’, we created a tailor-made experience that went beyond a standard anniversary. Our goal was to truly unite TriFinance’s employees — young, ambitious and spread across four countries — and to strengthen their pride in their role within the organization.

By designing a two-day program with interactive elements, such as a city game through Amsterdam and an unforgettable boat tour, we created an environment where employees felt seen, valued and connected. D&B Eventmarketing ensured a seamless brand experience, with every detail, from the specially branded train to the red TriFinance accents throughout Amsterdam, highlighting TriFinance’s ‘employees first’ mentality. In this way, we not only reflected their anniversary celebration, but also their core values, making every participant feel like a true part of the TriFinance team.


Special train journey

Amsterdam: Beyond The Beaten Tracks game

Boattrip to eventlocation

Beyond the Beaten Tracks Diner

Beyond the beaten tracks party

The event

The festivities started during the special journey to Amsterdam, in a branded train full of red accents and branded details. Once there, an adventure followed with an interactive custom-made game, in which teams found their way through Amsterdam with iPads. The program led them to the event location for a festive dinner in the Kromhouthal, followed by a night full of entertainment. Amsterdam knew that TriFance was there: with red backpacks and balloons spread across the city, the 800 Me inc.®’ers got to know the city.

The results

The event was a great success and achieved a rating of 8.7. The concept ‘Beyond the Beaten Tracks’ strengthened the sense of pride and connection among the employees. Thanks to a seamless integration of TriFinance’s brand identity in every detail, this anniversary weekend became an unforgettable experience that did justice to TriFinance’s unique culture.

Can we also make your anniversary unforgettable?

Let’s meet soon to discuss the possibilities!

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