Bovemij: Relationship Event strategy
Relationship Marketing, Campaign, Event Strategy
For almost 60 years, Bovemij has supported entrepreneurs in the mobility sector with insurance, financing, legal assistance and data. However, it was not always clear to customers that Bovemij is a total provider. In order to bring this total provider proposition to life, D&B Eventmarketing developed an event strategy.
The customer's question
Bovemij was faced with the challenge of better communicating their new positioning as a total provider to their relations. Their existing relationship events, such as the Mussel Party and other traditional events, no longer matched this renewed proposition. Bovemij wanted to organize events that went beyond pure relationship management and that added value to their customer relations. The events had to contribute to their core message: “Bovemij helps you to do business successfully”.
Our proposal
D&B Eventmarketing developed the strategic event concept ‘Kom Verder’ for Bovemij, with which we brought their new positioning as a total provider to life in an impactful way. Our added value lay in creating a format that goes beyond traditional relationship management. We built an annual calendar with targeted events that not only strengthen the connection with customers, but also directly add value to their entrepreneurship.
Using three pillars — Get further at Bovemij, Get further with Bovemij, and Get further through Bovemij— we shaped a series of events that made Bovemij’s proposition as a partner for successful business operations tangible. We organised co-creation sessions with Bovemij’s commercial team and customer groups to clearly map out the needs and goals. In this way, we ensured that each event format precisely matched the wishes of the target group.
D&B combined strategic insight with creative execution, resulting in events that not only inform, but also inspire and encourage action. In this way, we helped Bovemij to strengthen their role as an indispensable partner in the mobility sector.
The event
The annual calendar was kicked off with the Bovemij Business Boost, a small-scale event for around 130 entrepreneurs from the mobility sector. With practical workshops and masterclasses, we provided them with directly applicable knowledge and tips. This event was rated very positively by the participants, with a score of 9. In the summer, the Mobility Festival followed, a business version of the old Mussel Party. In a festival atmosphere, entrepreneurs met each other in Fort Voordorp and gained inspiration during keynotes and networking sessions. By reorganizing these events, Bovemij not only succeeded in strengthening relationships, but also in underlining their role as a total provider.
The results
The impact of the new event strategy was measured meticulously. After each event, we asked visitors for feedback. It turned out that:
– 68% of the participants in the Business Boost were inspired by the content and the contact with fellow entrepreneurs.
– 62% had gained new knowledge that helped them further in their business.
– The Mobility Festival was rated 8.3 and 65% of the participants indicated that they had learned valuable tips that they could apply immediately.
Thanks to these constant evaluations, the events continue to develop, with increasingly sharper objectives and better results. Bovemij is thus able to further strengthen its position as an indispensable partner for the mobility sector.
Let’s work together.
Do you have any questions or would you like to brainstorm directly about your next event? Contact Tanya. We are happy to help you!